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Madonna Law Group

Dealing With An Irresponsible Spouse


Relationships are hard. They require give and take, and sometimes people feel as though they are doing most of the giving, while their spouse is doing almost all of the taking. This often applies to household chores, work, and just life in general. A spouse may be selfish, thinking only about their wants and needs. This means the other spouse often has to pick up the slack, which can cause a lot of resentment in a marriage.

An irresponsible spouse is one who fails to fulfill their obligations toward their family. They do not contribute to the household as they should. Signs of an irresponsible spouse may include neglecting financial responsibilities, being unreliable, lacking accountability, and exhibiting selfish behavior. All these issues can strain a marriage, causing it to break down.

While either spouse can be irresponsible, it often seems as though the husband is the guilty party. Many men work all day and then come home and do nothing. They may not cook, clean, or take care of the children. In some cases, the man may not work at all, leaving all the responsibilities to the woman.

An irresponsible spouse can affect a marriage in many ways. The other spouse often has to take on more responsibilities. They may be constantly criticized and feel resentment toward their irresponsible spouse. Irresponsibility can lead to a lack of passion, which can cause romance to falter. It can lead to added stress, which can lead to anxiety and depression. Over time, these negative feelings fester and lead to divorce.

How Do You Handle Irresponsibility?

If your spouse is irresponsible, how do you handle it? What can you do to make things work out and avoid divorce? Here are some tips to consider:

  • Communication is key in a relationship. If your spouse is doing something that you don’t like, let them know. If you sit in silence, nothing will change. Nobody can read minds, so make your feelings known. Don’t yell or blame, but do focus on your feelings.
  • Set boundaries. Establish clear boundaries. Make sure your spouse knows what you will and what you will not tolerate. Be clear and firm.
  • Hold your spouse accountable. If your spouse fails to follow through on their commitments, make sure to dole out the consequences. Be clear about your expectations and if the behavior doesn’t get better, consider divorce.
  • Seek counseling. Marriage counseling can help improve communication and identify issues in your marriage. They can also develop strategies to help you work through issues in your relationship.

Seek Help for Your Divorce Case

A lack of responsibility is a huge issue in marriages. Both spouses need to pull their weight. When they don’t do their fair share, it leads to resentment and even divorce.

A Dade City & Zephyrhills divorce attorney from Mander Law Group can help you if you’re ready to end your marriage. Schedule a consultation today by calling (800) 557-041 or filling out the online form.


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