Florida School Counselor Arrested for DUI

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a common offense. Motorists often have a few alcoholic beverages and overestimate their ability to drive. Once they are behind the wheel and on the road, they may not notice their slow reflexes and impaired judgment before it is too late. Some cause serious accidents that lead to catastrophic injuries and fatalities. Many are pulled over and arrested by police officers before they harm others.
The thing about DUIs is that they can happen to anyone. Authority figures such as police officers, politicians and even school employees such as teachers and counselors have been arrested and convicted of such crimes. This was recently the case in Florida, when a school guidance counselor was arrested for DUI after another vehicle’s dashcam showed her weaving in and out of lanes on a state route.
The incident occurred on State Road 200 in Yulee on March 3. Nassau County Sheriff’s Office received several 911 calls from concerned drivers who claimed that the woman could not stay in her lane on the road. Dashcam showed a driver weaving in and out lanes. She nearly hit one driver several times. In one instance, she almost crashed into a concrete barrier. The driver was identified as a guidance counselor at Callahan Middle School. The 47-year-old woman counsels sixth-graders at the school, located in Callahan.
The woman would not obey police orders after she was stopped. She was playing around with the gear shift, and offices were worried she would run over them or hit another vehicle. Officers yelled at the woman to exit the SUV before they pulled her out of her vehicle. The woman refused to take a field sobriety test and was subsequently arrested.
A video of the woman in the back seat of the police cruiser shows her talking to the police officer. When the officer asked her what she did for a living, she replied that she was a school guidance counselor who would probably lose her job. She then told the officer that if he would have just let her go, she would be fine.
The school district has been made aware of the situation.The Florida Department of Education will now investigate and determine an appropriate form of punishment. The woman has been employed with the school for the last 12 years and has never been in any sort of trouble.
One student supported the counselor, stating that she was very helpful in his time of need and she should be given a second chance. The woman declined to comment on her case.
Seek Help for Your DUI Case
DUI charges are no laughing matter. A conviction can lead to serious penalties, including fines, license loss and even jail time. You need a solid defense to lessen the punishment you’ll face.
The aggressive Dade City criminal defense attorneys at Madonna Law Group can help you achieve a favorable outcome. If you want to hold onto your driver’s license, time is of the essence. Don’t delay. Call our office today at (800) 557-0411 to schedule a consultation.