Tag Archives: Dade City Criminal Defense Lawyers

Intoxicated Florida Woman Causes Crash, Tells Driver He is Dreaming
Drugs and alcohol can make people do strange things. They can slow down reflexes, impair judgment and even affect short-term memory. Some people do things while under the influence and don’t remember doing them. A prime example of this happened in Florida on Thanksgiving morning. On November 22, a 61-year-old Brandon woman crashed her… Read More »

Florida Woman Faces Multiple Sexual Battery Charges
When you think of sexual battery, you may think of a man raping a woman. While this is a common situation, there are cases in which the woman is the aggressor and she is committing battery on not another man, but a child. This strange but true situation recently happened in Florida. Not only… Read More »

Homeless Man Faces Molestation Charges
Those who are homeless are already down on their luck. Add a criminal charge such as molestation to the mix and a person is likely to be even angrier and more frustrated. A homeless man at a hurricane shelter in Florida was recently arrested for allegedly molesting a young girl. On October 10, a… Read More »

Florida Mom Arrested for Causing Accident While Intoxicated
Accidents happen, but sometimes they can be prevented, especially if a person acts in an irresponsible or reckless manner. Drinking can cause a person to become intoxicated. When a person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they lose control of their good judgment. They do things that they would not normally do…. Read More »

Florida Dentist Arrested For Third DUI
Substance abuse problems can plague people of all backgrounds. Even those in the medical field can fall prey to lures of drugs and alcohol. These people can lose their professional licenses, driver’s licenses and more. A Florida dentist is now losing his right to practice after being arrested for a DUI for the third… Read More »

Uber Driver Convicted Of Sexual Battery
With rideshare services becoming more and more commonplace, people are using Uber and Lyft to get from place to place instead of taxi. Since rideshare services involve regular people, there is a greater risk of criminal activity. Violent crimes such as murders and rapes are more likely to occur. Unfortunately, this was the case… Read More »

Former Florida Soccer Coach Convicted Of Molestation Charges
As parents, we trust teachers and coaches to act in a professional manner toward our children. Those in these positions, however, are human, just like the rest of us. Everyone makes mistakes, but sometimes these mistakes are illegal and those who commit them must face the consequences. A former soccer coach from Flagler was… Read More »

Miami Teacher Facing Lewd And Lascivious Battery Charges
Teachers are supposed to have a professional relationship with their students. Their job is to educate young people so they can excel in life. Some teachers, however, take their relationships too far and develop romantic feelings toward their students. This was the case for a Florida teacher who is now facing charges of lewd… Read More »

Understanding Florida’s Complicated Marijuana Laws
Many states have legalized marijuana for medical and recreational use. However, many states still follow the federal law, which criminalizes marijuana. Florida is one state that has not yet legalized the drug. This has not stopped certain cities within the state to legalize it, though. Lawmakers are also trying to finalize laws regarding growing… Read More »

Misdemeanor Versus Felony DUI: What’s The Difference?
While we all know that it’s illegal to drink and drive, many of us do it anyway. Some people drink too much at a party and think they are sober enough to drive home. Others are too embarrassed to call their family or friends for a ride home. Whatever the situation, if you are… Read More »