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1 Killed In Accident Involving Stolen Vehicle


Car accidents can happen at any time. When a driver loses control of their vehicle, the risk of a crash is especially high.

One person was recently killed when a driver lost control of a stolen vehicle in Dade City. The fatal accident occurred on October 14 on Clinton Avenue.

A Ford pickup truck was towing a utility trailer. It was heading east near 33630 Clinton Avenue when the driver lost control of the vehicle. The pickup truck veered off the road. It went onto the shoulder and collided with a utility pole.

The truck then crashed into a fence and overturned. The driver, a 40-year-old man from Lakeland, fled the accident scene on foot. The vehicle’s passenger, a 30-year-old woman from Lakeland, was seriously injured. She was taken to a nearby hospital, where she later died.

According to the Florida Highway Patrol, it was later discovered that the truck was reported stolen from Zephyrhills. No other details were released. It is unknown if the driver was ever caught. Anyone with information about the stolen vehicle or accident is asked to contact the Florida Highway Patrol.

Vehicles Hitting Poles

Hitting poles is a common type of accident. It is estimated that vehicles hit 2,500 utility poles every year. Replacing one of these poles can be costly, ranging from $7,500 for a street light to $100,000 for a transmission pole.

The accident could also cause a power surge. This sudden increase in voltage can damage equipment and appliances in nearby homes and businesses.

When a car crashes into a power pole, the pole may fall down. Power lines may fall on or near your car, causing the area around your car to become charged with electric energy. If you stepped out of the car in this scenario, you could be electrocuted.

Because of this, the safest place to be after hitting a power pole is inside your vehicle. Power lines do not always show signs that they are live, but they can be just as lethal. Therefore, your best course of action is to stay inside your vehicle and call 911. Do not exit your car until it is safe to do so.

However, there is one exception. If your car is on fire, get out of it right away. However, try not to touch the vehicle and the ground at the same time. Hop away with feet together so that there is not a voltage difference between your two feet.

Seek Help for Your Personal Injury Case

A driver can lose control of a vehicle for many reasons. Unfortunately, this can lead to accidents, serious injuries, and fatalities, especially when hitting a pole or other object.

In a crash? See how a Dade City & Zephyrhills auto accident attorney from Madonna Law Group can assist you. Get full and fair compensation for all your damages. Schedule a consultation by filling out the online form or calling (800) 557-0411.



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