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Category Archives: Alimony


How Judges Determine Alimony

By Madonna Law Group |

Alimony is an old-school aspect often found in divorces. It is given to an ex-spouse to help financially support them after a divorce. Alimony is not always required but is often available in some form to help those with low incomes or possibly no income at all. Alimony is available to an ex-spouse regardless… Read More »

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How to Prove That You Need Alimony

By Madonna Law Group |

Divorces rarely end well for a lot of people. Many end up struggling financially. Therefore, if you are going through a divorce, you want to ensure you come out ahead, if you can. Alimony can help in this regard. Alimony is a monthly payment you receive from your ex-spouse to help with living expenses…. Read More »

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Couples Rushing to Divorce as New Tax Laws Approach

By Madonna Law Group |

When couples divorce, they may disagree on certain aspects, which can lead to delays. With new divorce laws on the horizon, many couples are now rushing to get married before the start of the new year so they can reap the financial rewards before it is too late. Starting January 1, 2019, alimony payments… Read More »

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Are Florida’s Outdated Alimony Laws Due for a Reform?

By Madonna Law Group |

If you have ever been through a divorce in Florida, you will notice that the alimony laws are seriously outdated. They were written many decades ago, when divorces were not common and when they did occur, women were the ones who received alimony because they were never the breadwinners. It’s now 2017, and things… Read More »

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Understanding Alimony in Florida

By Madonna Law Group |

Alimony in the United States is often misunderstood by the average person. High profile celebrity divorces and other well publicized splits have created a largely false impression regarding how alimony is handled. Not every person is entitled to alimony, and different states treat alimony differently. It is important to understand alimony if you or… Read More »

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