Category Archives: Medical Malpractice

Woman Left Nearly Blind After Facelift
Medical procedures can be tricky. We expect that our doctor will perform the surgery to the best of their ability, but this is not always the case. Sometimes serious injuries or conditions occur, making a patient in worse shape than before. Unfortunately, this happened to a South Florida woman. Her facelift was supposed to… Read More »

Florida Family Awarded $20 Million In Medical Malpractice Case
When a person goes to an emergency room for an acute medical condition, it’s expected that they will get appropriate treatment and recover. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. If a doctor is negligent, a patient can suffer a wide range of injuries and even death. This was the case for a Florida… Read More »

Telehealth And The Risk Of Medical Malpractice
With more and more people living in remote places with limited healthcare, telehealth has been on the rise in recent years. It became especially popular during the pandemic, when people avoid doctor’s offices and other crowded places due to the risk of developing COVID. Telehealth refers to medical care performed remotely, typically performed via… Read More »

Doctor Sued For Medical Malpractice Over Fatal Accident
Just over two years ago, a truck ran over two children, killing them. As a result, their parents filed a medical malpractice lawsuit against a doctor. You may be wondering why. How did an auto accident lead to a doctor being sued? It has to do with the driver’s doctor allowing the man to… Read More »

Florida Woman Dies From Plastic Surgery
We expect that our doctors will always look out for us and ensure we are getting the best medical care possible. However, they sometimes make mistakes like the rest of us. But when they make medical errors, they can be deadly. Many people think of plastic and cosmetic surgery procedures as safe, but a… Read More »

Medical Malpractice Lawsuits And Their Difficulties
It may be hard to believe, but doctors do make mistakes from time to time. They are under a lot of pressure to make quick diagnoses of medical conditions and sometimes they are wrong. Some mistakes can be minor and not affect a patient. Then there are those that are major and cause long-term… Read More »

Florida Surgeon Faces Hundreds Of Medical Malpractice Lawsuits
People make mistakes; we’re human, after all. However, some professions require skill and a high error-free rate, such as doctors. When a doctor causes harm to a patient, it’s a big deal. When a doctor harms hundreds of people — or kills them — then it becomes an even more serious situation. In these… Read More »

Woman Loses All Four Limbs Due To Medical Malpractice
All surgical procedures come with risks. Infection is one of the biggest risks and something that should be discovered and treated while in the hospital or operation center. This type of monitoring is crucial to ensure that patients are not sent home in a possible life-threatening situation. A Connecticut woman has filed a lawsuit… Read More »

Former Firefighter Awarded $7.6 Million After Leg Amputation
Medical malpractice can happen in a number of ways. One of them is misdiagnosis. When a disease is incorrectly diagnosed as something else, the patient may receive the wrong treatment. This can cause a condition to worsen, leading to serious injury, disability, and even death. A retired Florida firefighter lost his leg due to… Read More »

Lawsuit Settled In Medical Malpractice Case Involving Comatose Florida Woman
When most women undergo procedures such as hysterectomies, they expect to wake up and continue on with life after the operation. Sadly, this does not always happen. For example, a Florida woman who underwent a hysterectomy in 2017 is still comatose. She never woke up and her family filed a medical malpractice lawsuit against… Read More »