Child Custody Issues? There’s an App for That

It is not uncommon for couples to fight over various issues in a divorce. Some argue over assets, while others will debate over child custody. It’s only normal for both parents to want to spend time with their children. This often leads to arguments over scheduling, money and child support. Even when lawyers and the courts get involved, resolving these issues is never easy.
’t help, technology can. Just like everything else in life, there’s an app for that. A new app called coParenter can help divorced spouses co-parent with ease. The app can aid with collaboration to make parenting with an ex-spouse less stressful.
The app, available for Android and iOS, was first tested in courts in March 2017, with amazing results. Judges were recommending the app five times more than expected. Another pilot version of the app was released in December 2017. By February, the app had 5,000 users, proving that there is a demand for such technology. As of today, there are 20,000 registered users.
What makes this app so special? It helps parents mediate through various issues and stay organized, saving time and money. It works with holiday scheduling and other conflicts. Texting and calendar tools help parents activities so they can collaborate. If parents need help making decisions about key issues, mediation is just a click away. coParenter offers live access to professional mediators on demand without the expense.
The app is easy to use, thanks to its simple interface that mimics existing SMS and calendar tools. Parents can easily view parenting agreements, documentation and all communication with the other parent through the app. This is helpful for sharing with lawyers and judges, if needed. While this app is similar to others, it has some advantages, such as live chat functions. The parents have access to experienced mediators who have worked in professional settings. Most of the co-parenting issues brought into a court setting are non-legal in nature.
Another cool feature is the AI, which is specially designed to stop fights. It has functions that can flag controversial conversations (such as ones that contain bad language) and filters that can help parents rethink their choice of words. If the parent chooses to send the message anyway, the app may send the message to lawyers, mediators and judges. This makes it harder for parents to send messages with F-words and offensive names.
While coParenter is best when both parents are using the app, it works well when only one parent is using it. The parent can instead use coParenter’s “SoloMode” and take advantage of the app’s various features. They can continue to send messages to the other parent through a separate number.
Seek Help for Your Divorce
Divorces encompass various elements, including child custody. Deciding on who gets the children can turn into a huge battle, but fortunately, technology can help.
While apps can be great tools for navigating through divorces, getting help from a human is also a good idea. The Dade City timesharing and parenting attorneys at Madonna Law Group can help you through this stressful time and make sure the best interests of the children are kept in mind. Schedule a consultation today by calling (800) 557-0411.