Divorce During a Pandemic

COVID-19 is sweeping the nation. Worldwide, there have been more than 1.1 million confirmed cases and more than 64,000 deaths. Understandably, Americans are stressed out. Millions have lost their jobs. Many are forced to shelter in place. Schools have closed. Stores are out of toilet paper, hand sanitizer and other essentials as shoppers panic hoard.
Many are also stuck at home with their spouses. Is that really such a stressful situation? For many couples, yes.
To be clear, many people are happily married and are enjoying spending extra time with their wives, husbands and children. For some, however, being stuck in the same place with their spouse 24/7 is a living hell. Many are in the middle of a divorce and are stuck with their soon-to-be-ex for possibly months. Some have considered divorce before the quarantine and decide that they can’t stand to be around their spouse much longer.
Now they want to consider their options for divorce, but is it possible right now? Well, divorces are even harder than ever thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. Courts are pretty much closed except for emergencies, so unless your spouse is physically abusing you, you’re out of luck until the quarantine is lifted.
That’s not stopping people from calling divorce lawyers, though. Attorneys all over the country are seeing a spike in divorce cases. People want to prepare for divorce once they are able to freely leave their homes.
Some lawyers, however, are seeing decreases in divorce filings based on year-over-year statistics. The reason for that could be the economy. Divorce is not cheap, averaging roughly $15,000 per person. Those who have lost their jobs likely cannot afford a divorce at this time. Their main concerns are food and shelter, even though they may be at their wit’s end with their spouse. It is believed that this economic crisis could last many months, which means it could be years before a person gets back on their feet and saves enough money for a divorce.
It’s best to get through these tough times with a bit of understanding. You and your spouse are no doubt stressed, so why make matters worse? Have some empathy instead. Talk about your fears and worries. Discuss things that interest you. Go for a walk together. Stay up and watch a movie. Do activities with the kids. Find a new recipe to cook together. Try to rekindle the love you once had. Who knows, maybe you’ll fall in love again instead of thinking of divorce.
Seek Help for Your Divorce Case
Divorces are complicated enough, and when there’s a pandemic that requires everyone to stay at home, that makes things even harder. However, sometimes it makes sense to end your marriage if you can no longer tolerate your spouse, no matter the circumstances.
The experienced Dade City & Zephyrhills divorce attorneys at Madonna Law Group can guide you through the divorce process and help you achieve a favorable outcome. Schedule a consultation by calling our office today at (800) 557-0411.