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How To Avoid Divorce


Nobody gets married thinking that they will get divorced someday. But divorce happens a lot—in nearly half of all marriages, to be exact. Divorce can be a stressful and costly undertaking, so you want to avoid it at all costs.

How do you keep your marriage divorce-proof? While there are no surefire ways to absolutely avoid divorce, there are some things you can do to keep your marriage strong and reduce the risk of splitting up. Follow this advice.

Make Time for Your Spouse Every Day

Devoting just 15 minutes a day to your spouse can mean the difference between a loving marriage and a divorce. Have conversations. Talk about your lives and goals. Show affection for each other—hug, cuddle, make love. All these things will build your relationship.

Do Things Together

Spouses should be friends as well. In fact, the key to marital happiness is friendship, so it’s only obvious that you should do things together. This may include going to concerts, having dinner, or engaging in sports together. You should do at least one thing together every week.

Spend Time Apart

This may contradict the previous point. While it’s good to spend time together, you should also spend some time apart engaging in hobbies that your spouse isn’t interested in. It’s good to have different interests, as long as your spouse allows you to engage in yours and vice versa.

Take Care of Yourself

We often hear stories about how a person is concerned or turned off because their spouse has gained 50 pounds since they got married. While you don’t need to be in constant diet mode, you should be making an effort to look good for your spouse. Get rid of the ratty sweatpants and oversized T-shirts. Eat well and exercise often.

Compliment Your Spouse

People want to know that you love and appreciate them. Compliments serve this purpose. Tell your husband or wife that you like their clothes or new haircut, or that you appreciate what they did for you. A few kind words go a long way.

Stay Faithful

Fidelity is important to an overwhelming majority of people. Staying faithful to your spouse is a good indicator of how long your marriage will last. While some marriages survive cheating, getting beyond your partner’s dishonesty takes a lot of work for both parties, so it’s often better to just end things.

Seek Help for Your Divorce

Even if you do everything right and follow the tips above, your marriage may not be fully shielded from divorce. It takes two to make a marriage work and when one person is doing all the work, it leads to resentment and ultimately, divorce.

The Dade City & Zephyrhills divorce attorneys at Madonna Law Group can guide you through the divorce process. We want to get to know your concerns and goals. You can count on us to be honest with you about your specific case. To schedule a consultation, call (800) 557-0411 or fill out the online form.



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