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Moving on From an Unwanted Divorce


Ideally, married couples would stay together forever. If they do decide to divorce, then the hope is that it would be a mutual decision. However, this is not always the case.

Women initiate divorces at higher rates than men, so there is a strong possibility that one party didn’t see it coming. They may have thought everything was fine. Instead, they end up blindsided.

Those who initiate divorce have likely already been through the grieving process. They knew it was coming, so they prepared for it. The other party, however, may need some time to process the information and move on. In a lot of ways, moving on from the divorce is the same as moving on from a loved one’s death. Here are some steps to take if you are in the midst of an unwanted divorce.

Take Time to Grieve

Even if you wanted the divorce, it’s still a highly emotional process. It ends a long-term relationship. Allow yourself time to sort out your feelings. You may be happy one minute and depressed the next. You may feel relief or fear. You may go back and forth between these feelings. This is normal. Feel free to express your feelings, whether on paper or with a trusted friend or family member. See a therapist if you’re having trouble dealing with your intense feelings. You will feel acceptance at some point.

Find New Interests

When you were married, you probably focused on your family and career. Now that you’re single, you have more freedom. You don’t have to work on maintaining a relationship. You can use this time to find a new hobby or revisit a previous one. Go back to school. Take art classes. Take up an instrument. Spend more time with old friends. There are so many ways to fill your time and take your focus off your divorce.

Don’t Start a New Relationship Right Away

Many newly divorced people use relationships as a distraction, but that’s never a good idea. It’s not fair to both people involved. Therefore, don’t be in a rush to start dating right away. It’s a good rule of thumb to wait one year post divorce. This gives you time to get settled into your new life and accept your divorce. When you are ready to start dating again, take things slow. Be open and honest with your dates and don’t make the same mistakes you made with your ex-spouse.

Seek Help for Your Divorce

It’s normal to grieve the end of your marriage, whether or not you wanted it to end. While you should take time to settle into your new life and accept the divorce, you need to move on at some point.

The Dade City & Zephyrhills divorce attorneys at Madonna Law Group can help you move on from a divorce. Our team will guide you through the legal and emotional aspects. Contact us today to schedule a consultation. Fill out the online form or call our office at (800) 557-0411.





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