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Pinellas Prosecutor Dismisses Marijuana Cultivation Case—More Dismissals Eminent

Pinellas Prosecutor Dismisses Marijuana Cultivation Case—More Dismissals Eminent

The Pinellas-Pasco State Attorney’s Office announced that charges of Marijuana Cultivation against David Cole were dismissed due to allegations that narcotics detectives trespassed and lied when gathering evidence. The dismissal in Cole’s case was announced the same day that his attorney had a deposition scheduled where the attorney was prepared to elicit sworn statements from detectives about evidence gathering techniques and possible misconduct. Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri is quoted as saying, “Information came to light Friday that calls into question the veracity of those involved in making that case to the point where I believe the right thing to do is to have the case dismissed.” Gualtieri also remarked that his agency is conducting an internal affairs investigation into how deputies Paul Giovannoni and Michael Sciarrino obtained information that was sworn to in search warrant applications. If you have been arrested or are being investigated for Marijuana Cultivation or any other criminal offense, the criminal defense attorneys at the Madonna Law Group are available today to defend your case and expose any possible misconduct by the officers involved.

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