Tag Archives: Sex Crimes Defense Florida

Former Florida Soccer Coach Convicted Of Molestation Charges
As parents, we trust teachers and coaches to act in a professional manner toward our children. Those in these positions, however, are human, just like the rest of us. Everyone makes mistakes, but sometimes these mistakes are illegal and those who commit them must face the consequences. A former soccer coach from Flagler was… Read More »

Miami Teacher Facing Lewd And Lascivious Battery Charges
Teachers are supposed to have a professional relationship with their students. Their job is to educate young people so they can excel in life. Some teachers, however, take their relationships too far and develop romantic feelings toward their students. This was the case for a Florida teacher who is now facing charges of lewd… Read More »

Creator of the World’s Largest Child Pornography Website Sentenced to 30 Years
Chron.com reports that a Florida man was recently sentenced to serve 30 years in prison for his role in creating and administering what is thought to be the world’s largest child pornography website, Playpen. According to the FBI, Playpen was an open network on the internet that allowed more than 150,000 users from around… Read More »