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Category Archives: Dade City Possession Of Marijuana


Small Amounts of Marijuana Decriminalized in Hillsborough County

By Madonna Law Group |

Marijuana seems to be everywhere these days. However, cannabis is not legal in all the states.The drug is legal for medicinal use in 33 states. Florida is one of these states. However, the drug is against the law for recreational use. So what happens if you have a couple ounces on you while you’re… Read More »

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Basketball Players Arrested for Misdemeanor Drug Possession in Florida

By Madonna Law Group |

Drug laws in Florida are confusing, especially when it comes to marijuana. Some states legalize it, while others don’t. Even though marijuana is not as harmful as other drugs, possession of small amounts can lead to criminal charges. In some cases, it can lead to a felony, which can affect many aspects of a… Read More »

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Elderly Man in Florida Arrested for Selling Pounds of Marijuana Daily

By Madonna Law Group |

There’s a lot of money to be made in the marijuana industry. While selling it on the streets can be lucrative financially, it is nevertheless against the law. Even possession of marijuana can be a criminal offense. An elderly man in Florida found out the hard way when he was arrested for selling multiple… Read More »

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