Category Archives: Surgical Error

Settlement Little Consolation for Medical Malpractice Victims
Many people—particularly women—get plastic surgery to improve their looks. They may want a nose job or breast implants. Some get liposuction to get their body back to the way it was pre-childbirth. In any case, patients assume that their doctors are skilled and experienced in doing the cosmetic procedure of their choice. However, this… Read More »

Surgery Risky for Doctors in Terms of Medical Malpractice Claims
While surgery is a medical procedure that happens multiple times a day, it still can be risky. Many things can happen during the process and some patients even die. This can make surgery scary for people, and some may even delay it or put it off completely. Surgery is risky for doctors as well…. Read More »

Florida Court Allows Medical Malpractice Case to Proceed
Medical malpractice lawyers rely on expert witnesses to boost their cases and help them convince the jury of the damages caused to their victims. However, there are requirements for expert witnesses, as not just anyone can serve as one in a medical malpractice case. For example, for a gynecology case, a doctor must have… Read More »

Many Medical Malpractice Claims Involve Radiology Errors
When you think of medical malpractice, what type of issues immediately pop into your head? perhaps you think of surgical errors or negligence issues, such as failure to diagnose or not properly monitoring a woman during labor and childbirth. While these are common medical issues, many people overlook the significance of radiology errors. Radiologists… Read More »

Florida Woman Gets Needle Stuck In Her, Files Medical Malpractice Suit
Of all the uncomfortable objects you can have stuck inside your body, a needle would probably take the cake. How would you like to live with one inside your body for nearly 15 years? Unfortunately, that’s the situation for a Florida woman who received an epidural while delivering her youngest son in 2003. She… Read More »

Botched Surgery Leads To $109 Million Award For Florida Woman
A Florida woman who went in to get a benign cyst removed got more than she bargained for when her hands and feet had to be removed as well. The woman sued for medical malpractice and a jury recently awarded her $109 million in damages. The 52-year-old woman had the surgery performed in November… Read More »