Category Archives: Guardianship

Common Co-Parenting Issues
Parenting after a divorce can be quite the challenge. Like all parents, you must appropriately deal with your child’s ups and downs, good times and bad times. On top of that, you have to effectively parent while dealing with the child’s other parent—your ex-spouse. This often makes things tricky when it comes to co-parenting…. Read More »

How Social Media Can Affect Your Child Custody Case
Are you a frequent Twitter user? Can’t live without checking Facebook every five minutes? If so, you’re not alone. Many Florida residents are addicted to social media. However, if you’re in the middle of a divorce and arguing with your soon-to-be ex-spouse over child custody, then it’s recommended that you stay away from social… Read More »

Guardianships: The Need to Know Basics
According to the Florida Courts’ website, a guardianship is formed when a court appoints a surrogate decision-maker who is in charge of making personal and/or financial decisions for their ward (a ward can be either a minor whose parents are unable to care for them or an adult with a mental impairment who is… Read More »