Category Archives: DUI

Florida Man Arrested for Causing Fatal DUI Crash
While we learn early on that drinking and driving is illegal, many people do it anyway. They’re out partying and having a good time with friends. Against their better judgment, they decide to drive after consuming multiple alcoholic beverages. While some drunk drivers are able to make it home safely without causing a car… Read More »

Man Arrested for DUI in Fatal Florida Bicycle Crash
On Thanksgiving, we give thanks for all that we have, despite the ups and downs that this year has given us. However, one family in Florida will instead be planning a funeral after a bicyclist was hit and killed by a drunk driver in Palm Springs. A 25-year-old man has been arrested after rear-ending… Read More »

President Drove Florida Man to Drink and Drive
Some people have trouble taking responsibility for their actions. They can’t ever admit that they’re wrong. They always have to blame someone else. Some will even blame a person they’ve never even met – like President Donald Trump. While President Trump is getting blamed for a lot of things lately surrounding the coronavirus, racism… Read More »

Florida Man Arrested for DUI Twice in Same Week
Drinking and driving is something that every motorist should avoid. Such an act has negative consequences on one’s driver’s license and life in general. Even a first-time offender could face fines, license loss and jail time. A second offense results in even harsher punishment – especially if the second DUI arrest happens in the… Read More »

Florida DUI Rates
Drinking and driving has always been a problem everywhere, even though motorists know better than to drive while intoxicated. In fact, it’s illegal. Every day, people in Florida and other states drive drunk. Many are arrested, while others cause serious accidents. In fact, nearly 30 people die from DUI crashes every day. It is… Read More »

Clearwater Man Caught Driving on Sidewalk, Arrested for DUI
Drinking and driving is a serious crime, yet many motorists engage in it. It is not uncommon for police officers to arrest drivers for being under the influence of alcohol and drugs. These substances can affect one’s judgment and slow down reaction times. Being intoxicated while behind the wheel can cause people to do… Read More »

Florida School Counselor Arrested for DUI
Driving under the influence (DUI) is a common offense. Motorists often have a few alcoholic beverages and overestimate their ability to drive. Once they are behind the wheel and on the road, they may not notice their slow reflexes and impaired judgment before it is too late. Some cause serious accidents that lead to… Read More »

Intoxicated Florida Woman Causes Crash, Tells Driver He is Dreaming
Drugs and alcohol can make people do strange things. They can slow down reflexes, impair judgment and even affect short-term memory. Some people do things while under the influence and don’t remember doing them. A prime example of this happened in Florida on Thanksgiving morning. On November 22, a 61-year-old Brandon woman crashed her… Read More »

Florida Mom Arrested for Causing Accident While Intoxicated
Accidents happen, but sometimes they can be prevented, especially if a person acts in an irresponsible or reckless manner. Drinking can cause a person to become intoxicated. When a person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they lose control of their good judgment. They do things that they would not normally do…. Read More »

Florida Dentist Arrested For Third DUI
Substance abuse problems can plague people of all backgrounds. Even those in the medical field can fall prey to lures of drugs and alcohol. These people can lose their professional licenses, driver’s licenses and more. A Florida dentist is now losing his right to practice after being arrested for a DUI for the third… Read More »