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Using Technology To Deal With Common Child Custody Issues


One of the most contentious issues in a divorce is child custody. Couples divorce for a reason, and while parents still need to co-parent after a marriage ends, it can be difficult for them to do so.

Need to keep track of schedules or share expenses? There’s an app for that. Technology can help you deal with common child custody issues. Here are some ways in which you can manage child custody in a practical and non-confrontational way.

Messaging Apps

You may have a hard time communicating with your ex due to a contested divorce. However, you will still need to communicate with your co-parent about everything related to parenting. Family courts often turn to technology to help. In fact, many recommend an app called Our Family Wizard. 2houses is another app to consider. They can both be used to streamline communication. They can also keep records of communications, which can be helpful when dealing with disputes and court cases.

Shared Schedules

When children are split between two homes, you may wonder about their schedules. However, getting information from the other parent or the kids can be next to impossible. Plus, one parent may not be aware of their responsibility to pick up a child from school or sports practice, for example. A shared calendar can be used to show all activities related to the children and which parent is responsible for each. Google has a calendar app you can use for free, or you can purchase other apps, which may have more bells and whistles, such as to-do lists and video and photo sharing.

Seek Help for Your Child Custody Case

Sharing custody with a person you don’t get along with can be a frustrating experience. Fortunately, there are apps and schedules that can help you keep the peace.

Count on a Dade City & Zephyrhills timesharing & parenting attorney from Madonna Law Group to help you handle your child custody issues. We know how to manage conflict with ease. To schedule a consultation, call (800) 557-0411 or fill out the online form.



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