Signs Your Relationship Might Last

Relationships can be tricky. You never know what to expect. You may be madly in love one day and then your spouse may say or do something that dramatically changes the course of your relationship. If you’re married, you may be thinking about divorce.
Love and marriage do not come with an instruction manual. Most of us are focused on finding the right person, but who is it? What exactly is right for you? While there is no exact science, there is evidence that can help predict a strong bond.
It’s hard to know whether or not your relationship will stand the test of time, but there are a few things that can determine whether or not you and your partner will be together in the long run.
You Enjoy Spending Time Together
Of course, this needs to be evident in any relationship. If you don’t enjoy spending time with your partner, the relationship isn’t going to last. If you dread being around the person, then that’s not a good sign. Whether you’re just sitting, talking, or engaging in a favorite activity, you should look forward to time spent together.
Togetherness is good for a relationship. Couples have higher relationship satisfaction and are more likely to view their relationships as positive. There is also more use of constructive communication, which can improve relationship and marriage quality.
You Engage in Constructive Communication
Speaking of constructive communication, it’s a good thing to have in any relationship. There’s little hope of a lasting marriage if you and your spouse cannot communicate positively. The quality of communication plays a role in relationship satisfaction. Positive behaviors such as openness, assurance, and sharing tasks help strengthen the bond between a couple. When there are faulty communication patterns, couples turn to silent treatment and frequent arguments, which can lead to resentment.
There is Financial Compatibility
Money issues are a huge cause of divorce. When couples cannot agree on saving and spending money, it causes a lot of anger and resentment in a relationship. There is strong evidence showing that the way couples manage their finances affects the quality of their relationships. Indeed, financial issues lead to relationship and marital problems. It doesn’t matter if the couple is well off financially. When there is disagreement over how money is managed, it leads to financial insecurity. People want to be able to trust their partner to make good decisions. When they can’t, it leads to unhappiness.
Seek Help for Your Divorce Case
Some relationships are more destined to last than others. They may last a few years or perhaps many decades. There are a few factors that make relationships more likely to succeed.
If divorce is on your mind, the Dade City & Zephyrhills divorce attorneys from Madonna Law can make it happen. There is no substitute for having an experienced divorce lawyer on your side when your relationship is broken and emotions are high. Fill out the online form or call (800) 557-0411 to schedule a consultation.