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Parenting With A Neurodivergent Child


Parenting is tough after a divorce. You likely share custody with the other parent, which can be a challenge, especially if you don’t communicate well or didn’t divorce on good terms. Something that’s even more complicated is parenting a neurodivergent child.

A neurodivergent person is someone whose brain, body, and nervous system process information differently from most people. So a neurodivergent child may be someone with autism, ADHD, or dyslexia

Co-parenting a child with these medical issues is not easy. Moving a neurodivergent child from one home to another can lead to a lot of drama. You can make parenting easier by understanding that there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

Each child is unique. No two children are the same, so the plan you will need to create and the steps you will need to take to support your child will depend on their age and cognitive abilities. A pediatrician can provide you with specific guidance for your child’s particular needs. You should also work with a divorce attorney who has experience dealing with children with special needs.

An experienced legal representative will understand the importance of a solid legal custody framework to help with decision-making. For example, you may have to make decisions regarding medical care and education. Who is the best pediatrician to choose? What kind of testing should your child undergo? Will your child be in a public school or private school?

What You Can Do to Help Your Child

Many neurodivergent children have a hard time handling changes in routine. For a neurodivergent child, consistency and stability are critical. If you and the other parent have a shared parenting schedule, both parents need to help their child transition between homes. A good way to do this is with a detailed physical calendar. The calendar should include information such as which parent the child will be with on each day, when and where custody changes happen, and the child’s daily activities.

Consider Buying Duplicates of Certain Items

You can make things less stressful for your child by making sure they have some of the same items at both homes. Some examples include favorite toys, clothing, and toiletries.

Be Positive

Don’t be negative, especially about the other parent. Avoid badmouthing them in front of your child. This can make your child confused, as they need to know their parents still love them, and that can be hard for a neurodivergent child to understand. Try to explain the divorce to them in simple terms they can relate to.

Seek Help for Your Divorce Case

The aftermath of a divorce is not always easy to navigate, especially when parenting is involved. Dealing with the needs of a neurodivergent child is even more challenging.

The Dade City & Zephyrhills timesharing & parenting attorneys from Madonna Law Group can help you deal with these tense and controversial issues. To schedule a consultation, call (800) 557-0411 or fill out the online form.



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