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Tag Archives: Dade City Medical Malpractice Attorneys

medical malpractice

Florida Man Files Medical Malpractice Lawsuit After Wife’s Death

By Madonna Law Group |

Doctors are only human, so they make mistakes just like everyone else. However, their mistakes can be serious in nature, and even deadly. While most doctors strive to provide a high standard of care for their patients, medical malpractice occurs at high rates. It is the third-leading cause of death in the United States,… Read More »

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medical malpractice

Florida Doctor Makes Serious Mistake During Surgery, Sued for Medical Malpractice

By Madonna Law Group |

Doctors are human, and just like anyone else, they are prone to making mistakes in the workplace. However, the biggest difference is that a mistake in the medical field can be harmful—even deadly. Medical malpractice causes thousands of injuries and approximately 250,000 fatalities every year, accounting for 10 percent of all deaths. As the… Read More »

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Florida Court Allows Medical Malpractice Case to Proceed

By Madonna Law Group |

Medical malpractice lawyers rely on expert witnesses to boost their cases and help them convince the jury of the damages caused to their victims. However, there are requirements for expert witnesses, as not just anyone can serve as one in a medical malpractice case. For example, for a gynecology case, a doctor must have… Read More »

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Many Medical Malpractice Claims Involve Radiology Errors

By Madonna Law Group |

When you think of medical malpractice, what type of issues immediately pop into your head? perhaps you think of surgical errors or negligence issues, such as failure to diagnose or not properly monitoring a woman during labor and childbirth. While these are common medical issues, many people overlook the significance of radiology errors. Radiologists… Read More »

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Four Healthcare Professionals To Be Disciplined In Florida Medical Malpractice Death

By Madonna Law Group |

Medical professionals must abide by the oath “Do no harm,” but that does not mean do nothing at all. The negligence shown by four paramedics caused a young mother to die after she suffered a stroke and did not receive adequate medical attention. They now face hearings, possible termination and even a medical malpractice… Read More »

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Botched Surgery Leads To $109 Million Award For Florida Woman

By Madonna Law Group |

A Florida woman who went in to get a benign cyst removed got more than she bargained for when her hands and feet had to be removed as well. The woman sued for medical malpractice and a jury recently awarded her $109 million in damages. The 52-year-old woman had the surgery performed in November… Read More »

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Delayed Medication Results In $16 Million Medical Malpractice Award

By Madonna Law Group |

We rely on doctors to take care of us when we are sick or injured. This includes administering the necessary medications to prevent infections and keep other conditions from occurring. When a doctor delays giving medication to a patient, serious issues can occur. The doctor’s negligence can lead to medical malpractice. Many autoimmune diseases… Read More »

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Medical Malpractice: Prescription Errors

By Madonna Law Group |

When many people think of medical malpractice, they may think of a surgical error, such as a tool left inside a person’s abdomen. While this is a common type of malpractice, it does not occur as frequently as prescription errors. Prescription errors kill an average of one person a day and cause harm to… Read More »

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What Constitutes Medical Malpractice In Florida?

By Madonna Law Group |

Medical malpractice (also sometimes referred to as “medical negligence”) occurs when a medical professional’s negligence injures a patient. However, It is important to note that not all medical mishaps are the result of negligence (i.e. failing to act with the level of care that an ordinarily prudent person would have exercised under similar circumstances),… Read More »

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Changes to Medical Malpractice Caps in Florida

By Madonna Law Group |

If you have been a victim of medical malpractice, you may be wondering what state laws apply to you and the amount of money you can expect to receive from a settlement. Many states have caps that limit the amount of money you can get from a medical malpractice lawsuit. Florida did have a… Read More »

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