Tag Archives: Florida DUI Charges

Florida Man Arrested For DUI Has Unusual Defense
Every motorist knows not to drink and drive. However, many people enjoy a night out socializing and having fun with friends. This often leads to alcohol consumption, and some people tend to go overboard. One drink often leads to five, six or even 10. In a perfect world, a person would not drive afterward…. Read More »

Police Officer Charged With DUI
All motorists are aware of the dangers of drinking and drinking. However, many people still become intoxicated and charged with DUI. But those convicted of DUIs are not necessarily horrible people. People of all walks of life make mistakes when it comes to alcohol and driving. Even police officers—those who uphold the law and… Read More »

Florida DUI Repercussions
In the United States approximately one third of all traffic related deaths are associated with drunk driving. Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have reported an increase in Florida drunk driving fatalities. Along with approximately 14 percent more fatalities than last year, the CDC reported that… Read More »