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Tag Archives: Dade City DUI Defense Attorneys

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Intoxicated Florida Woman Causes Crash, Tells Driver He is Dreaming

By Madonna Law Group |

Drugs and alcohol can make people do strange things. They can slow down reflexes, impair judgment and even affect short-term memory. Some people do things while under the influence and don’t remember doing them. A prime example of this happened in Florida on Thanksgiving morning. On November 22, a 61-year-old Brandon woman crashed her… Read More »

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Florida Mom Arrested for Causing Accident While Intoxicated

By Madonna Law Group |

Accidents happen, but sometimes they can be prevented, especially if a person acts in an irresponsible or reckless manner. Drinking can cause a person to become intoxicated. When a person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they lose control of their good judgment. They do things that they would not normally do…. Read More »

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Florida Man Arrested For DUI Has Unusual Defense

By Madonna Law Group |

Every motorist knows not to drink and drive. However, many people enjoy a night out socializing and having fun with friends. This often leads to alcohol consumption, and some people tend to go overboard. One drink often leads to five, six or even 10. In a perfect world, a person would not drive afterward…. Read More »

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Police Officer Charged With DUI

By Madonna Law Group |

All motorists are aware of the dangers of drinking and drinking. However, many people still become intoxicated and charged with DUI. But those convicted of DUIs are not necessarily horrible people. People of all walks of life make mistakes when it comes to alcohol and driving. Even police officers—those who uphold the law and… Read More »

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Florida Woman Charged With DUI Urinates On Officer

By Madonna Law Group |

DUI traffic stops are not always routine. Sometimes those pulled over by police cooperate without much fuss. Others get aggressive and lash out at the police officers. Very few actually pee on an officer. Surprisingly, that was what a Florida mom recently did after causing an accident and getting arrested for driving while under… Read More »

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